Folk, Quirky, medium tempo, light, fun, playful, young, youthful, lofi, bedroom, cute, silly, lighthearted, Male filtered vocals, acoustic guitar, toy piano, glockenspiel, piano, children group background vocals, synth
And I love you like you love Christmas
just like distance equals rate times time
and time is flying through the clouds shaped
just like horses that fell asleep in the sky
and we'll fly spaceships in to the ocean
and watch the fishes reading Russian novels about God
and God will look down he'll lose an eyelash
he'll make a wish and everyone will start to dance
We'll live in snow globes and stare out the window
when it gets cold we'll use our beds to make a fire
and when the fire spreads we'll sell to islands
where all the people are flying trapeze artists in the sky
and we'll grow old there one day I'll die you'll bring flowers
maybe even start to cry then a fish will say remember that wish
God made on his eyelash it was that you'd ever forget that
I'll always love you like you love Christmas
just like distance it always equals rate times time