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Use quotes around terms to search for exact matches. Example: ukulele "male vocals"
Emily, Emily . . . Thank you, Thank you . . . Sparkle . . . Prostitute . . . Light a cigarrette, Syringe . . . Doctor, Doctor . . . Belt, Computer . . . Electron . . . I pity you . . . Permission . . . Stravinsky, Chocolate . . .Lyrics:
. . . Bonjour, Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Da, (repeated solfege major scale) . . .Lyrics:
Go start in the park... down in the dark... feel a bit partial feel a bit harsh... partly... partly... Listen to the darky feel a bit... A dark horse Back off mate never too late, eh? Go start in the park... down in the dark... feel a bit partial feel a bit harsh... Go start in the park... down in the dark... feel a bit partial feel a bit harsh... ...up in flames ... please relaxLyrics:
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