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The sun has set Wild wild west In a prison With a window I've been howlin' at the moon Baby, all night I've been howlin' for you Baby, all night I am nothing I am eclipsed There's just darkness Till your headlights show I've been howlin' at the moon Baby, all night I've been howlin' for you Baby, all night I've been howling at the moon Ooooooooh Baby, baby, I gotta be your baby Baby, baby, I gotta be your baby I've been howlin' at the moon Baby, all night I've been howlin' for you Baby, all night I've been howling at the moon Ooooooooh I've been howlin' for you OooooooohFill out this form with your username and email address. A link will be emailed to you, where you will be able to enter a new password for your account.
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