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Use quotes around terms to search for exact matches. Example: ukulele "male vocals"
so kick the... Im running now This is our time these were our tracks this was our town no turning back This is our time these were our tracks this was our town no turning back This is our time these were our tracks no more turning back (2x) so kick the... Im running now This is our time these were our tracks this was our town no turning back This is our time these were our tracks this was our town no turning back This is our time these were our tracks no more turning back (2x)Lyrics:
Get out, get out go shake about move on, away lets take the keys and throw them Well start the car ... ... just tools to fix the tricks ...Lyrics:
Vinyl smash Downloads crash Cellphone drop Robots stop This is a 1980 train Cassette revival therapy Mobile shake Laptops break Robots stop Robots stop It's just not how it used to be Cassette revival therapyLyrics:
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